Thursday, February 11, 2010


I hope not but it's a possibility. One of our fully grown adult neighbors decided she was going to yell obscenities and other hurtful things at my neighbors 8 yr old child. It's like she's back in the third grade. So I don't want to give her the time of day to hurt or belittle my children seeing they are much younger. Continuing the topic of moving though, it seems both of my parents will be moving shortly and both of them closer to me. My dad will be moving out of and selling his house to move back in with his mom and dad to both help them out and  take care of them as well as saving a bit of money. My mom will be moving into a condo that's a bit closer as well.

We finally did laundry yesterday and it took up the entire bed of the truck. Now I have to fold it all... Not fun. And Steve can't fold to save his life. But he does dishes and I won't so I love him for that. Speaking of love Valentine's day is coming up and while I don't particularly care for the holiday, Steve and I will be spending some much needed time alone together. What are you guys doing for Valentines?

I have officially started the get Jim to eat with a spoon campaign and our first day out of the box was messy to say the least. I gave him oatmeal at breakfast because it is thicker and will stay on his spoon better and while he did try the spoon he pretty much ended up scooping it with his hands and eating it that way. At least he's not throwing his bowl and spoon on the floor like he used to. I have also begun getting rid of all the old clothes. I gave a few tank tops that I had when I was pregnant to my mom and aunt. They were just normal tank tops bought a few sizes too big to accommodate my growing belly so I figured they could use them as I didn't wear them out or anything. And I don't plan on having any more munchkins so we're clear there. The bedroom is getting cleaner day by day. I plan on cleaning out my side of the bed so we can put the sewing machine and table there.

I think that's about all. I need to finish one last basket of folding before I can go to the yarn store tonight. So off I go!

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