Thursday, January 21, 2010

Crafting While Deprived of Caffeine

At 8:30 pm I am just now drinking my first dose of caffeine for the day. Seeing as I was up all day with the kids and went upstairs to let my kids play with the three girls upstairs, I, one, don't see how I could've over looked my caffeine addiction and second, how I survived with out any in the first place. Well anyway, I'm still here and I guess that's good although with my sinuses the way they are I kind of wish I wasn't.

We went to the library yesterday and got a load of books which I over course then got wrangled into carrying. Most of them were mine but still. Jim's doing better not coughing as much and all the gunk seemed to clear up but now Riley and I have it. Luckily she was already on antibiotics for something else so it can work double time. I really hate using antibiotics on her but it seems to be the only thing to ever work. We've tried all kinds of home remedies all to no avail.

I haven't made much progress on Nick's scarf lately, but I do have a picture to show you.

 Being as it's my first in depth pattern with a bit of difficulty I think I am doing pretty good. It's stretched out and looks funny but that's just because I am in the middle of working a square. When I first started I went really slow because I'd get to a certain point and decide it looked wonky and ripped it all out. I just decided to go with it eventually and it straightened out. Hubby says I'm moving right along but I'm not used to moving this slow. Eh well....

I didn't get any goals done today(darn). But I did get more rigid on potty training Riley. We've gone in and out on that though. I get really tough on her because I'm tired of her not going on the potty but then I get tired of being tough and get kind of lax about it again. She just doesn't care if she sits in a dirty mess. Well no I take that back she cares once you figure it out but if you notice something and ask her about it or she comes up to you she'll start going crazy but if nothing is said she doesn't care.

Jim did eat a corn dog by himself today with no incidents so that's progress there. And I found some yarn that I would like to knit my lap blanket with. I'm thinking of something simple but not mind numbingly simple. A cable blanket would be good. I'll find something good. The yarn is alpaca and the color is wheat. And I got some wool to try out making socks with so we'll see how that goes. I got a heck of a deal and didn't spend too much either.

I was looking around on the internet earlier today and found some really nifty stuff. I had been looking at another blog and she had made some really cute toys for her sons. Well as I read deeper it turns out that she follows a Montessori/ Waldorf parenting philosophy. Montessori is basically giving kids safe but free play where they can decide what to do therefore teaching themselves basic skills. Waldorf is nature oriented and uses a lot of nature friendly toys but is set up a lot like Montessori in that they are able to lead the way they wish to go and they can really use their imaginations. I really liked these ideas and even though I can't convert completely mostly because I'd probably go nuts but also because my kids are already fairly battery addicted. Waldorf does not utilize toys that require batteries. I would however like to partially convert. I found some good ideas on there for toys for the kids that would replace some of the battery operated ones we have.(I'm all for getting rid of anything that eats batteries and makes lots of noise.) She had sewn together a mail bag and pieces of mail, she even made little netflix dvd's and envelopes. She also made some play food. I only saw doughnuts but I'm sure I could find all sorts of things if I looked around. I hate plastic play food so if I could sew some up that'd be awesome because I could just throw them in with the wash every week to keep them clean. The thing that really interested me though was the sensory bin she had. She rotates what's in it all the time. Right now she makes colorful ice and puts it in the bin along with some water and arctic animals. Not too long ago she had like cotton balls and things that you would associate with Santa or Christmas. I also ran across when she had beans in it, to me it seemed almost like a sandbox(but the kids can't get in and no shaking sand from EVERYWHERE for the next week.) So I may try a few ideas on the munchkins.

That was a really long paragraph, definitely did not mean to blab on about that for so long. I'm going to go now though seeing as I have lots of scarf knitting to get done and I'm all stuffed up. Good night and well wishes.


  1. I like the Montessori way of thinking... but living in such a small space it's hard to let the kids be creative in different ways -- that's where our craft time comes in. Also, setting up a sensory station will be a disaster.. just to let you know LOL. Beans.. sand.. ice? Did the lack of caffeine go to your head? DONT DO IT, DANA!

    I think we should do an activity with them a few times a week though.. you know, like a learning thing. Ri and Saff both need to learn how to write their alphabet. That would be a place to start, right?? :)

    Oh and good job on the scarf, I am terribly jealous. One of my goals is to knit an i-cord.. is that the proper terminology? I mean a skinny rope like thing like the handles to a purse??

    We might go somewhere today, let us know if you want to tag along.

  2. yes it is an I-cord. I can show you actually. We could do that but lets start next week. I'm not feeling the best.
