Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Goals of 2010

My neighbor and friend Sadie has a list on her blog of things she would like to accomplish this year and I thought well hmm that could be kind of cool. It can keep me busy and give me direction this year and at the end of the year when I look back I can say I actually accomplished something this year. I will probably add to this list as the year progresses and update on what I've actually done at least once a week. Most I'll admit are mundane things but I wrote them down because otherwise I'll sit somewhere for an hour thinking there was something I wanted to do or buy or teach my kids and I won't be able to remember and when I do I'll be frustrated because it's not done already or because I hadn't thought of it. So here goes nothing.

1. finish potty training Riley
2. possibly potty train Jim
3. Teach Riley how to write her letters(0/26)
4. do a thorough cleaning of house once a week so that it no longer gets out of control(2/49)
5. set and follow a nightly routine
6. Knit myself something- have plan just need to accomplish
7. get rid of all the old clothes none of us wear
8. organize bedroom
9. get sewing machine, iron, ironing board, wii(1/4)
10. dejunk-started
11. get jim to feed himself- working with spoon
12. pick up a new craft
13. knit a lap blanket in a nice yarn- have yarn
14. get new glasses
15. finish Riley's first year scrapbook
16. make Jim's first year scrapbook
17. get third desktop computer set up and working
18. clean computer desk- almost there
19. make library bags for kids(0/2)
20. make dish detergent
21. not necessarily lose weight but get into shape
22. help Riley with reading
23. reupholster rocking chair and ottoman
24. learn how to knit cables
25. read all of Riley's Dr. Seuss and Disney books to her one a night(0/ALOT!)
26. figure out a better way to organize knitting stuff or at least get it all in one spot
27. have a date night with Steve at least once a month(1/12)
28. save up for a house

That's all for now I think. They're not in order by any means but I'm hoping I will finish them all and maybe even add some new ones. If you have any ideas at all please share. And sorry I stole some of your ideas Sadie but they were good ones!


  1. Those are awesome goals, Dana! I have a problem.. every time I make a list I have to hurry up and get everything marked off. Unfortunately, the goals list is way too long and it really will take me all year. I'm staying up at night thinking "What goal can I get done tomorrow?" lmao. Horrible!

    What kind of new craft are you thinking about taking up? Sewing? Are you getting a machine soon?

  2. I don't know when I'm getting my machine... It's on sale this week at Target but alas we're broke... but I've sewn for awhile so not technically new... maybe i'll just do alot of random projects i like...
